Sunday, January 8, 2012

Apple = fruit

There are three apples that changed the world: Adam and Eve's, Isaac Newton's, and Steve Jobs'.

No doubt, Apple changed the technology world, and no doubt it changed for the better, however, I have a confession:

I am not an Apple person.

I genuinely cannot stand using Apple products. Perhaps I haven't given myself enough time to overcome the learning curve, but the idea that I CAN do something on a Windows OS in about .3 seconds, KNOW there's got to be a way I can do the same thing on a Mac, and yet cannot find HOW to do it (probably because the names are different, the layout is different, and my patience is doing its best immitation of hydrogen in the Hindenburg).

As for the iPhone and iPad, my tolerance is higher. Being that both of these are different in their application, either a phone or a tablet, the interface is more unique and specific to the application and less Apple-y.

When I divulge my dirty Apple secret, the first thing I usually get is "But it's so EASY!" Yes, I get it, Apple is supposed to be more intuitive. I just don't find that to be the case though. I'm a linear thinker; I like my lists and my menus. The Apple interface looks messy and lacks order to me.

For the most part, I'm pretty adaptable when it comes to technology, and while I can fuction on a Mac, I prefer Apples in my lunch, not my lap.


  1. I enjoyed your first musing! :)

  2. I completely agree! Apple products are meant for non-linear thinking people, usually a lot of artists, photographers, interior designers, and on the other end lots of computer science nerds who can quickly overcome the learning curve... I much prefer the linear thinking style of Windows, simple and organized!

  3. Thanks Betsy! And Chris, I totally agree. The programs that are usually "Mac only" are generally the visual art/music variety. The people that generally need to use those programs are the ones whose brains are wired in an Apple way.

  4. Completely disagree! Apple does a great job, in my frame of mind, in keeping things simple. Less cluttered all around. For instance, I see something on my Apple stuff, click it, yes, a choice there for me, does hat I expect it to do. Proud to have a moniker of Modern Cool Nerd! Yes, I am the music and art brain kind of person. My hubby isn't tech savvy but loves Mac products for the simple way he maneuvers through Mac platform. Would prefer to use Mac stuff in my classroom, I feel so confined and limited with PC in my classroom.

  5. I agree. I have to use strictly Apple products for work (my work phone is an iPhone, my laptop in a Macbook Pro, and my desktop is an iMac). For design purposes, yes they work great. However, they aren't as flexible and user-friendly as Windows (or Android for tablet/cell phone purposes).

    I got a Samsung Galaxy tablet for my birthday, and I LOVE it. I can customize it however I'd like (when I played around with iPads, it wasn't nearly as simplistic...and tablet review sites point that out).

    Not saying Apple sucks, not saying its products aren't great, I'm just saying as a person who uses both (and uses Macs everyday), Apple is oriented to itself and makes using non-Apple based programs cumbersome compared to Windows/Android.
